Energy Engineering

Informazioni generali

Course type
Qualification for entrance
Access mode
Duration in years
Didactic organization structure
Activation year
Course language
Course curriculum


The Degree in Energy Engineering of the University of Sannio, still unique of its kind in Campania region, has been active since academic year 2001/02, and derives from the transformation of a Diploma activated a year before.
The course deals with the very topical issues related to energy management, and therefore the containment of primary and final energy consumption, the need for greater diffusion of technologies to exploit renewable sources and the containment of polluting emissions. These issues, although widely investigated, are still scarcely diffused in the territory and consequently only partially usable by the community, even if they are deeply felt by the citizens and by the companies that are maturing an awareness of sustainable development.
The design of the Degree Course in Energy Engineering has been directed towards highly interdisciplinary cultural contents, in order to ensure a wide spectrum of professional skills, consistent with the multiplicity of aspects that an energy engineer is called to deal with.
The training course is mainly focused on the cultural contents of the areas that characterize energy engineering related to chemical engineering (Plants and Processes), electrical engineering (Electrotechnics, Measurements and Systems) and obviously energy (Applied Thermodynamics and Machines). The engineering education of the student is completed with the acquisition of elements of the industrial field (Industrial Plants and Mechanical Engineering "sensu side") and cultural contributions typical of basic education (Mathematics, Geometry, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science), as well as of great transversality attributable to the Civil Engineering sector.

The course allows to undertake higher-level studies, such as a Master Degree, or to find satisfying job placements in the industrial sector (energy plants, "production", supply and distribution of energy vectors), civil (plant engineering, energy certification of buildings) and of public and private services (Energy Service Company, energy manager), in relation to the multiple activities of planning, management and use of energy resources in compliance with regulatory, economic and environmental constraints.
The Professors and the Researchers involved in the Degree carry out an intense scientific activity, with the production of scientific publications of national and international relevance. They also operate, often with coordination roles, within transactional research groups, and continuously update their body of knowledge with periods of study and research abroad. They have contributed to the transfer of their knowledge also with a constant interaction with the pertinent territory through the tools of agreements with public and private bodies.
Students and Professors of the Degree Course in Energy Engineering use laboratories located in three building complexes in the historic center of Benevento ("Palazzo ex-INPS", "San Vittorino" and Technical Institute "G. Galilei"), for various activities related to research, thesis preparation and practical exercises dedicated to the three main thematic areas of the course (Chemistry, Electrical and Thermal Engineering).

Profilo e sbocchi professionali

Industrial engineer with expertise in the disciplinary fields that characterize energy engineering

Function in a work context: Designer, tester and manager of single organs or single components of machines and simple systems for the production, transformation and distribution of energy. Energy consultant, Energy Manager, Technician for environmental impact assessment of plants powered by fossil fuels or exploitation of renewable sources.
Skills associated with the function: Graduates in Energy Engineering mature typical skills in industrial engineering as well as specific aspects relating to processes and energy devices. These aspects include combustion processes, containment of polluting emissions, thermal, chemical and electrical systems, optimization of energy conversion devices, technical-economic analysis of conventional and alternative energy plants, production, transmission and distribution of electricity and the management and maintenance of production systems.
Employment opportunities: Graduates find professional opportunities in the industrial sector (components of energy and industrial plants, "production", supply and distribution of energy carriers), public bodies, energy service company Energy Service Company (energy consultancy, training), as well as in free activity professional (plant engineering, energy certification of buildings, safety verification). Finally, they can play the role of the Energy Manager in public and private companies and organizations. Graduates will also be able to continue their university studies, preferably in Master Degrees in Energy Engineering.

Requisiti di ammissione

Students in possession of a High School Diploma, or equivalent title, are admitted to the Degree. Possession of the aptitude and cultural requirements to undertake the studies are assessed through an orientation test, to which all students are required to participate.
The results of the test can highlight the existence of formative debts, to be filled satisfying further training obligations (OFA, for "Additional Educational Obligations").

Modalità prova finale

The final exam consists in the preparation and public discussion, in the presence of an appointed commission, of an individually written report, in which a topic characterizing the chosen professional profile has been developed in complete autonomy, under the guidance of a lecturer. If possible, the report shall be connected to the internship activity carried out. The preparation of the report may require the performance of practical, laboratory and design activities.