Quality Control Unit

Coordinator, offices and activities of the Quality Control Unit
The University Quality Presidium (PQA) promotes the culture of Quality in compliance with the ANVUR document referred to in Ministerial Decree. 6 of 7/01/2019 (Self-Assessment, Evaluation, Initial and Periodic Accreditation of Institutions and Study Courses), provides support to the governing bodies on issues of Quality Management and Quality Assurance (QA) in Teaching, Research, Student Services, Internationalisation, Third Mission, social and cultural promotion activities; it supports the governing bodies in defining QA processes, coordinates their uniform application and monitors their outcomes.
In particular, the PQA:
- Promotes and disseminates QA culture and approaches through meetings with stakeholders involved or interested in QA processes;
- Assists the Rector and the Academic Senate in the preparation of strategic documents for QA;
- Provides assistance and feedback to the Rector and the Bodies appointed by the Rector in the preparation/monitoring of the University Strategic Plan (SAP) and the Integrated Plan
- It provides assistance and feedback to the Departments, the Boards of Studies and the CPDS in the QA processes for Teaching, Research, Third Mission, and Internationalisation;
- Identifies and proposes standard tools for QA in teaching and research, such as Guidelines, Draft Regulations, Model Documents, and promotes training and information activities for their application;
- Coordinates the application of the Quality Management System.
All the work carried out and the documentation produced can be retrieved from the reference office website.