Degree final exam

Find here the documents that you must prepare for the degree final exam
The booking and management of graduation sessions is possible by accessing the student's reserved area of the ESSE3 application, with the exception of Model L1 (available in italian) with which the student agrees with the Supervisor the topic, the provisional title of the thesis and the date of the session. graduation.
The procedure will be active 50 days before the graduation session and will close 30 days before the session.
No exceptions will be allowed at the end of the thirty days prior to the graduation session to take all the exams of the student's study plan and upon completion of the graduation session booking procedure.
The thesis in electronic format must be uploaded to the system 15 to 5 days before the date of the graduation session.
How to do
✓ the graduating student downloads Model L/1 from the University website.
✓MODEL L/1 (in italian, editabile):
- after completing the form in its entirety and without signing it, the Student sends the file in .pdf format to his/her Supervisor, using their institutional e-mail account (
- The email will be the subject: PRENOTAZIONE LAUREA Matriculation Surname Name MonthYear (111000222 Rossi Mario 052020). The Supervisor, having accepted the booking for the graduation session and without signing the form, sends it, in .pdf format, by using the institutional e-mail (, to the Secretariat of his/her Department.
that is:
DEMM: (Economic and statistic area ) (Law area);
- the Director of the Department sends the confirmed model through his / her own Secretariat, to and to the student by using the institutional e-maul address - ( The email has to have the following subject:
CONFERMA PRENOTAZIONE LAUREA Matriculation Surname Name MonthYear
(111000222 Rossi Mario 052020).
At the close of the bookings, the Secretariat of each Department sends the list of undergraduates of that session to the student secretariat,;
N.B. only Model L/1 coming from the email addresses of the various Department Secretariats will be taken into consideration (they must not be sent by the student).
For the operating modes, consult the guide (available in italian)
If you are getting the degrre, you can register to Alumni Unisannio, an association recognized by the Universitày of Sannio to help in the relations among graduated and Unisannio.