Organization of studies

Regolamentazione legislativa degli studi universitari in Italia: obiettivi e requisiti di ammissione dei corsi di studio
The organization of university studies in Italy is divided into the following:
- Laurea (3 years), which is accessed with a high school diploma. To obtain a Laurea (L) and thus the title of "Dottore" (Doctor), the student must acquire 180 ECTS credits, distributed over a maximum of 20 exams.
- Laurea Magistrale (2 years), which is accessed with a university diploma or a first-cycle degree. To obtain a Laurea Magistrale (LM) and thus the title of "Dottore Magistrale," the student must acquire 120 ECTS credits, distributed over a maximum of 12 exams.
- Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico (5/6 years), which is accessed with a high school diploma. To obtain a Laurea Magistrale (LM) and thus the title of "Dottore Magistrale," the student must acquire 300 credits for LM programs in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies, Pharmacy, Civil Engineering/Architecture, Law, Primary Education Sciences, and 360 credits for LM in Medicine and Surgery.
- Master Universitario di I livello (1 year), which is accessed with a Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, or a single-cycle Master's degree. To obtain the first-level Master's diploma, the student must acquire 60 credits.
- Master Universitario di II livello (1 year), which is accessed with a Master's degree or a single-cycle Master's degree. To obtain the second-level Master's diploma, the student must acquire 60 credits.
- Dottorato di Ricerca (3/4 years), which is accessed with a Master's degree or a single-cycle Master's degree. At the end of the Doctoral program, the student earns the title of "Dottore di Ricerca" (Doctor of Research).
The organization of university studies follows the guidelines of the university reform DM 270/2004, which replaced the old reform 509/99.