Law 21 May 2021, n. 69 - extension, not exceeding three months, of the final term of the PhD course
As is known, in the Official Gazette no. 120 of 21/05/2021, Law 21 May 2021, n. 69, which converts with amendments the decree law 22 March 2021, n. 41, on "Urgent measures in the field of support to businesses and economic operators, labor, health and local services, related to the emergency from COVID-19". With particular reference to Research Doctorates, paragraphs 2-bis - 2-quinquies have been added to article 33 "Measures to support universities, institutions of high artistic, musical and dance training and research bodies", pursuant to which " in order to allow for a timely and effective rescheduling of research activities and to ensure the right quality and maturity of the related projects, suspended as a result of the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19, the PhD students holding scholarships pursuant to the regulation referred to to the decree of the Minister of Education, University and Research February 8, 2013, n. 45, and article 4 of the law of 3 July 1998, no. 210, may submit a request for an extension, not exceeding three months, of the final term of the course, with consequent disbursement of the scholarship for the corresponding period "and" of the extension referred to in paragraph 2-bis may also benefit from non-recipient doctoral students scholarship, as well as public employees on leave for the frequency of a research doctorate. In the latter case, it is up to the public administration to extend the leave for a period equal to that of the extension of the doctoral course ". For this purpose “the fund for the ordinary financing of universities, referred to in article 5, paragraph 1, letter a), of law no. 537, increased by 61.6 million euros for the year 2021 ". Unlike the previous extension provisions (Article 236, paragraph 5, Law 77/2020 and Article 21-bis, Law 176/2020), it should be noted that the new rule is no longer intended only for those enrolled in the last year, but to all those enrolled in doctoral courses on the date of entry into force of law no. 69/2021, regardless of the relevant cycle, who request it within the terms indicated by the University provisions.
Therefore, all PhD students enrolled in PhD Programs can submit a justified request for extension, using the form attached to this notice, for a maximum period of 3 months, addressed to the Magnificent Rector of the University of Sannio and sent by e-mail to no later than 13 September 2021. The recognized extension months will be included in the academic career with a corresponding postponement of the final term of the PhD course. PhD students whose activities have not been affected by the problems arising from the health emergency or have been partially affected by it, will be able to complete the training course at its natural end and discuss the doctoral thesis according to the instructions provided by the Academic Board of the course.