European Researchers' Night
On Friday, September 27, 2024, 3110 access to the UNISANNIO Research Citadel for the European Researchers' Night in Piazza Roma in Benevento. The numerous scientific activities led by 150 researchers at the University of Sannio involved students, families and citizens in interactive and exciting experiences. The key message of the initiative was "Who Research, Changes" to underline how research brings change and concrete benefits to daily life.
Young and old alike have had the opportunity to explore different scientific fields, from biosciences, with the discovery of plant biodiversity and biotechnological applications, to sustainable recycling of agricultural waste. Chemical sciences have shown techniques such as chromatography and the analysis of bioactive molecules. In biology and genetics, the role of mitochondria, Mendel's genetics and the Earth's evolutionary history through virtual reality were examined. Geosciences have told the story of aqueducts and fossils, while innovative technologies have unveiled solutions to improve health, justice, art and infrastructure safety.
Results of evaluation questionnaires: 78.2% of participants were delighted, while 18.8% were satisfied. In particular, participants appreciated the willingness of researchers (64.3%) and the possibility to actively participate in activities (49%).
Like in Benevento, the European Night of Researchers has involved 11 other places within the project S.T.R.E.E.T.S. - Science, Technology and Research for Ethical Engagement Translated in Society, Funded by the European Commission for the second consecutive two-year period under the Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions and sponsored by the Ministry of Universities and Research and the Ministry of Education and Merit.