Executive Master’s Degree in Healthcare Management and Clinical Governance
The Second-Level Master’s in Healthcare Management and Clinical Governance aims to train healthcare professionals and graduates in the economic, managerial, and legal aspects of healthcare organizations while offering an organizational and managerial perspective on clinical governance. Through its multidisciplinary approach, the programme is designed to develop highly qualified professionals in the field of strategic healthcare management.
The Master’s is primarily intended for professionals working in the healthcare sector and recent graduates seeking to develop a multidisciplinary approach to address key challenges related to changes, transformations, and innovations in the healthcare industry.
Attendance at lectures and practical sessions is mandatory, with a minimum requirement of 75% attendance for each module and 100% for the internship. Distance learning activities are considered equivalent to in-person teaching.
Applicants must hold a Master’s degree pursuant to Ministerial Decree of 22 October 2004, No. 270, a Specialist degree under Ministerial Decree of 3 November 1999, No. 509, a pre-reform degree, or an equivalent qualification obtained abroad, officially recognized in accordance with current regulations.
The Master’s programme has been recognized by the Campania Region for the issuance of the Managerial Training Certificate, in accordance with Law No. 118 of 5 August 2022, Article 21. This certificate is required for registration in the National Register of General Directors and for the Managerial Training Certificate for Directors of Complex Healthcare Units.
These certifications confirm that medical and managerial staff have acquired the necessary managerial competencies to effectively and responsibly oversee healthcare facilities. Through this training, professionals gain the ability to address the organizational and administrative challenges of leadership roles, contributing to the continuous improvement of healthcare services.
The Master’s programme will be delivered in Italian. Enrollment details can be found in the official call for applications.
For information and inquiries, please email servizi.postlaurea@unisannio.it or call +39 0824 305460 – 305461.