An Unisannio graduate won the IEEE GRS-Geoscience and Remote Sensing award announced by the IEEA South Italy Chapter - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. This is Chiara Zarro, a graduate in Electronic Engineering for Automation and Telecommunications, in 2018.
The award is open to all Italian universities and was awarded to engineer Zarro for his thesis entitled "Extraction of features on urban area from WorldView-2 images and from LiDAR data through object-oriented classification techniques. Case study: Lioni (AV) ".
The internship for the thesis was carried out at the Mapsat of Benevento with the coordination of Professor Silvia Ullo, professor of Telecommunications Networks and Signal Theory. With her thesis work, Chiara had already obtained the financing of a doctorate from the Campania Region, joint Unisannio-Mapsat doctorate, which provides for a period of six months abroad at the DLR in Germany, the German Space Agency.
"This year - explained Professor Antonio Iodice, Chair of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing South Italy Chapter - of the three prizes up for grabs, contrary to what usually happens, two were awarded to young female engineers. Furthermore, since 2004, the year in which the award was established, it is the first time it has been awarded to an Unisannio graduate. A good result, in every sense”.