UniSannio wins the Smart City University Challenge

The University of Sannio wins the 5th edition of the Smart City University Challenge. With a project on green mobility, the Sannio university team, made up of students from the master's degree course in computer engineering, coordinated by prof. Eugenio Zimeo, conquers the highest step of the podium in the national competition organized by the National Smart Cities and Communities Laboratory of CINI (National Interuniversity Consortium for Information Technology).

cini challenge


The 2021 edition of the Challenge, which began in February 2021, was coordinated by prof. Francesco Lo Presti of the "Tor Vergata" University of Rome and its final phase was held as a co-located event of the I-CiTies 2021 national conference, organized in collaboration with the University of Salerno in online mode ( for restrictions deriving from actions to combat COVID-19) from 22 to 24 September 2021.

This is the fifth consecutive podium of a UniSannio team, after the first place in 2017, the third place in 2018, the first place in 2019, the first place in 2020.

This year's students, Gerardo Ambrosecchia, Raffaele Franco, Lorenzo Gagliani and Roberto Ricci, presented a project entitled "GreenBus", created in the course of Distributed Software Architecture and Systems held by prof. Zimeo, as part of a broader system in which all the students of the 2020/21 edition of the course participated.

cini challenge




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