XXVI Almalaurea Report

This year, the XXVI Almalaurea Report highlights some positive results for the University of Sannio, confirming the high level of satisfaction and good employment prospects of graduates.

Satisfaction with the relationship with teachers
According to the survey data, 94% of UNISANNIO graduates declared themselves satisfied with their relationship with the teachers, a figure significantly higher than the regional average of 88.5%. This result demonstrates the commitment of Sannito University to guaranteeing a quality academic environment and encouraging an open and constructive dialogue between students and teachers.

Positive overall experience
Satisfaction with the overall experience during the university course was exceptionally high: 95.2% of UniSannio graduates rated their experience positively, compared to 91.5% of the regional average in Campania. 

Employment rate
The employment rate of UNISANNIO graduates five years after obtaining the qualification stands at 84.4%, a percentage slightly lower than the national average of 88.2% but still very high and in line with the regional figure of 84 8%. 

Monthly salary
Even on the salary front, UNISANNIO graduates enjoy an excellent positioning: with an average monthly salary of €1,784, they are above the national average of €1,768 and well above the Campania regional average of €1,648. Graduates from the University of Sannio receive a higher salary five years after graduation than their colleagues from other universities in Campania.

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