University Sports Committee

The purpose of the University Sports Committee (C.A.S.) is to promote the organisation and participation of the University's students in various local, national and international sports activities within the framework of the National Sports Federations.
The C.A.S. also promotes various initiatives to facilitate students' use of public and private sports facilities in the area, through the definition of conventions with organisations and managers.
The C.A.S. is constituted by law no. 394 of 28 June 1977 and carries out its activities, by the legislation above, pending the definition of the formal affiliation to the Italian University Sports Centre (C.U.S.I.).
- Professore Francesco FIORILLO, Delegato del Rettore per lo “Sport” , con funzioni di Presidente;
- Signor Antonio DIMA, componente, rappresentante del Centro Universitario Sportivo Italiano (C.U.S.I.);
- Signor Felice LENTINI, componente, rappresentante del Centro Universitario Sportivo Italiano (C.U.S.I.);
- Studente, Michele Pio RUSSO, matricola 261..., componente;
- Studente, Francesco Enzo ALLORO, matricola 863..., componente;
- Ingegnere Gianluca BASILE, Direttore Generale, componente in qualità anche di segretario.