Natural, Geological and Environmental Sciences (from a.a 2022/2023)

Informazioni generali

Course type
Qualification for entrance
Access mode
Test di autovalutazione
Duration in years
Didactic organization structure
Activation year
Course language
Course curriculum


The BSc in Natural, Geological, and Environmental Sciences is designed to prepare students for careers or further study in environmental fields. The programme offers a multidisciplinary education that focuses on scientifically understanding and managing natural phenomena for environmental protection and sustainability. 

This three-year degree (L-32 – L-34) integrates core and specialised modules in geological and natural sciences, with opportunities for electives and hands-on learning through fieldwork, labs, and seminars. In the final year, students can customise their studies with elective courses, practical experiences, and an internship, culminating in a final thesis. The programme aligns with EU directives on sustainability and ecological transition, providing pathways to careers in nature restoration and green infrastructure.

Profilo e sbocchi professionali

Graduates of the BSc in Natural, Geological, and Environmental Sciences can pursue careers in public or private institutions focused on assessing and managing a region's natural and environmental aspects. Their work may involve monitoring environmental challenges, protecting ecosystems and biodiversity, and managing and enhancing territorial resources. Graduates can work in the field, laboratories, or educational centres such as natural parks, aquariums, botanical gardens, and natural history museums. Further professional development is possible through postgraduate study.

Requisiti di ammissione

The BSc in Natural, Geological, and Environmental Sciences is open to all students and does not have a restricted entry. To be eligible, applicants must hold a five-year secondary school diploma or an equivalent qualification obtained abroad that is recognised under current regulations. Additionally, students must demonstrate adequate initial preparation, which will be assessed through an online evaluation test called TOLC-S, organised by CISIA.
