RooboLeague2021: Students imagine the city of the future
The hackathon Rooboleague 2021 ended on November 27 at the University of Sannio with the announcement of the winners. Thirteen teams made up of 70 students from Campania high schools competed in the "race in the city ”by programming a small robot, the Roobokart able to travel safely through the streets of Roobopoli, a miniature city. A prototype of a smart city that uses ICT technologies, information technology, artificial intelligence, sensors and telecommunications networks, to improve the lives of citizens.
The preparation of the students began on 4 October last and ended with a thrilling race in which two teams from the "Marconi" Higher Education Institute of Nocera Inferiore (SA), RL Marconi Team LLSTV and RL won the podium. Marconi Team CFARD, respectively first and second place, and the bronze for Team Galitigers 2 coming from the Liceo Galilei in Naples. Robots and smart cities are up for grabs.
"My congratulations to all the participants - said the rector Gerardo Canfora - who showed great preparation, involvement and enthusiasm: it was a beautiful and stimulating experience. See you next year ".
The children accompanied by their teachers were guided to Benevento by UniSannio teachers Ennio Cavuoto and Luca De Vito. The competition was organized by the Samnite university in collaboration with Perlatecnica, Bluenet and Paidea.