Proprietà intellettuale

The University of Sannio, consistent with its strategic plan, promotes socio-economic growth and development through the economic exploitation of research and transfer of knowledge produced within. In this regard, it promotes activities aimed at technology transfer and the creation of patents in various scientific and technological fields, considered as possible activators of the territory's competitiveness.
Regarding patents, the University promotes patenting and encourages the adoption of intellectual property, also through "scouting" activities for the exploitation of research products with high value and level of technological maturity (TRL), as well as diagnosis in companies interested in developing specific patents on national and international territory in the fields of competence of the University of Sannio.
In order to regulate, in harmony with the Industrial Property Code, activities aimed at protecting intellectual property for industrial inventions, biotechnological inventions, utility models and new varieties, it has issued a "Patent Regulation". In this regulation, among other things, it is reaffirmed that the University of Sannio " particularly interested in enhancing its patent portfolio through collaborations with other public or private entities, especially dedicated to the development and industrial application of inventions and University know-how". This technical, scientific and organizational collaboration between universities and other public and private entities promotes the competitiveness and innovation of the national production system and contributes to the implementation of activities supporting research activities.
The Unisannio patent portfolio includes several technology reference areas, with a predominance of titles in optoelectronics and photonics, automation, geology, chemistry, energy and environmental technologies. The Organisational Unit "Technology Transfer and Market" is also responsible for publicising the patent portfolio of Unisannio through the most appropriate channels and for the market's recognition for commercial exploitation.