Contribution to rent for students away from their place of residence
1. What is the rental contribution;
2. Who can participate;
3. When to apply;
4. How to apply;
5. Demand Provision.
Decree 916 of 19 July 2024 issued a public call to implement Art. 1, paragraphs 526 and 527 of the Budget Law 30 December 2020, n. 178, art. 1, paragraph 580 of the law 29 December 2022, n. 197 and the Decree MUR-MEF 11 September 2023, n. 1224, for the presentation by students outside registered at the University of Sannio in. a. 2023/2024, applications for a grant for housing rental expenses incurred during the year 2024, the amount per capita of which will be determined by the Ministry of Universities and Research, with a subsequent measure, The total number of eligible students, as communicated to the Ministry by all state universities.
To participate, you must:
1. be students enrolled at the University of Sannio in the academic year started in November preceding the financial year (a.a. 2023/2024);
2. be the holder of a rental contract with regular registration at the Revenue Agency and possible renewal with registration at the Revenue Agency under Law n. 431/1998 "Regulation of the rental and release of residential buildings" and subsequent amendments and additions;
3. have incurred documented rental housing expenses during the reference financial year (2024);
4. belong to a household with an equivalent economic status index not exceeding 20,000 euros, with the possibility for students to also use the current ISEE;
5. be a student living outside the home in a different place from that where the rented property is located;
6. not to benefit from "other public contributions for housing" in the reference year;
6. not to receive "other public subsidies for housing" in the reference year.
The requests for participation formulated according to the application form must be addressed to the Rector of the University of Sannio and submitted, under penalty of exclusion, no later than 12:00 pm on 19 August 2024.
You can apply by:
• Hand delivery;
• E-mail address;
• Certified Electronic Mail (PEC).
By the terms of the call, attaching:
• ISEE declaration not exceeding 20,000 euro;
• copy of the lease for consideration;
• copy of the payment receipts for the lease for 2024;
• copy of the valid identification document.
The University shall transmit to the Ministry for Universities and Research the number of students who meet the requirements set out in Article 2 and have submitted a complete application in the manner and within the time limits laid down in Article 3.
The Ministry of Universities and Research, with its measure, will determine the amount per capita of the contribution to be awarded to students about the available resources and the total number of eligible persons communicated by the different Universities and will allocate to each University the share of the resources referred to in art. 1, paragraph 526, of the law n. 178/2020, due to the number of students communicated to the Ministry. The University of Sannio, based on the resources allocated by the MUR, will contribute to its eligible students.