RESEARCH/NeON Project - Breast cancer: new screening for diagnosis and therapy

The NeON research project has enabled the development of new strategies to diagnose breast cancer and verify the therapeutic efficacy of personalized pharmacological treatments.
The research represents a further contribution to the fight against cancer, thanks to a multidisciplinary team of researchers from the University of Sannio (leader of the project), the Institute of Endocrinology and Experimental Oncology  G. Salvatore of the National Research Council (IEOS-CNR) and the University of Molise. 
The research results were published in the latest issue of the prestigious international journal Journal of Nanobiotechnology and represent a significant step forward in the treatment and personalized monitoring of cancer.

The NeON project, "Nanophotonics for new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in Oncology and Neurology," is a significant national research initiative with a budget of 10 million euros, led by the University of Sannio and financed by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), with the participation of over 15 partners between public and private bodies. The project aims to exploit the powerful synergy between nanotechnologies and photonics to transform cancer diagnostics and therapy. Therefore, nanophotonics enables technology to develop new methodologies and tools for early diagnosis and targeted therapies.

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