CO-SCIENZE Futuro Remoto

The long-awaited appointment with science is back: Futuro Remoto, the first Italian festival dedicated to scientific dissemination, reaches its 38th edition with an important novelty. The 2024 edition, CO-SCIENZE, will be held in Naples, at Città della Scienza from 18 to 20 October, and in all the other provincial capitals of Campania, with events scheduled until 6 December.
This edition, entitled CO-SCIENCES, places the natural and human sciences at the centre of our ability to discern, evaluate and act. In a multifaceted and interconnected world, knowing how to navigate between true and false, order and disorder, and right and wrong is increasingly essential. For this reason, Futuro Remoto 2024 invites the public to reflect on the crucial role of knowledge, ethics and conscience in facing the present challenges and building a desirable future.

An edition full of events and meetings

Over 400 events will enliven the 2024 edition of Futuro Remoto, with a program full of significant events, exhibitions, scientific cafés, science shows, laboratories and escape rooms. Highly prestigious Italian and international researchers, scientists and guests will dialogue with the public on the most current topics in scientific research, exploring the connections between science and society, research and technology.
A unique opportunity to get closer to science-Futuro Remoto represents a unique opportunity to get closer to science engagingly and interactively. The festival is aimed at an audience of all ages, and the program is designed to stimulate curiosity, reflection, and dialogue.
The Festival is a precious opportunity to reflect on the role of science in our lives and to imagine a better future together.

The Programme


  • From Friday 18 October to Sunday 20 October 2024 - Naples
  • Friday 8 November 2024 – Salerno
  • Friday 22 November 2024 – Benevento
  • Friday 29 November 2024 – Caserta
  • Friday 6 December 2024 - Avellino


The University of Sannio is promoting a special edition of Futuro Remoto, which this year will unfold in two different sections:
the first event will be held at the Departments on November 22nd in Benevento
the second event will be held at the Bourbon Prison of Avellino on 6 December in Avellino


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