Eugenio Zimeo is a full professor at the University of Sannio, Benevento – Dep. of Engineering - where he teaches "Networked Systems Programming" and "Distributed Software Architectures and Systems".
He graduated cum laude in Electronic Engineering at the University of Salerno and received the Ph.D. degree in Computer and Electronic Engineering from the University of Naples in 1999.
Since 2019, he is president of the bachelor and master degrees committee in Computer Engineering of the Dep. of Engineering at the Univ. of Sannio and since July 2020 he holds the italian national habilitation for full professorship in Systems for information processing (09/H1).
He has supervised about 200 bachelor and master theses and 10 Ph.D. theses. He was co-organizer of the program of the PhD School in Computer Engineering entitled "Boosting Services and Information in Adaptive Networked Enterprises" in 2008.
He is coordinator of the local node (Univ. of Sannio) and deputy director of the CINI (Consorzio Inter-universitario Nazionale di Informatica) national lab on "Smart Cities and Communities. In this context, Eugenio Zimeo is also the director of the local CINI research unit of the Univ. of Sannio and representative of the same university at the governing council of CINI since 2016.
His research interests include software architecture, middleware, context-awareness and autonomic computing, (micro)service- cloud and p2p computing, mobile computing, big data processing infrastructures, service QoS and monitoring, service discovery and composition, graph metrics and mining, semantic modeling and technologies. On these topics he is author of about 120 scientific papers, most of which have been published in international journals and conference proceedings, receiving several awards.
He has served as a reviewer for many international conferences and journals such as: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering; ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology; IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems; IEEE Transactions on Service Computing; IEEE Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems; IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics; IEEE Systems Journal; IEEE Software; WILEY Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution; ELSEVIER Journal of Systems and Software; ELSEVIER Journal of Networking and Computer Applications; SPRINGER Computing journal; SPRINGER Service Oriented Computing and Applications; CAMBRIDGE University Press Theory and Practice of Logic Programming.
He has served in several program and organization committees of international conferences, among these: IEEE/IFIP Int. Conf. on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, IEEE Symposium on Web Systems Evolution, IEEE Int. Conf. on Smart Computing, IEEE Int. Conf. on Knowledge Engineering and Applications, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Euromicro Int. Conf. on Parallel, EuroPar Parallel Processing, Enterprise Information Systems, Int. Conf. on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering, Distributed and Networked-based Processing, Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, Int. Conf. on Cloud Computing and Service Science, Complex Networks and Applications, CINI ICiTies, ICACI 2020 (advisory board) in collaboration with GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women, Mysuru, India.
He has been involved as a participant and principal investigator in many research projects (industrial and academic ones). In the following, the most recent ones:
- From 2005 to 2007, he was unit responsible and technical coordinator of LOCOSP project (Models, Architectures and Platforms for the Integrated Management of Knowledge in the Logistics Supply Chain Product Development in the Automotive Sector), funded by MIUR. The project adopted service oriented architectures for multi-organization project/product-life cycle management in automotive.
- From 2007 to 2008, he was responsible of the local research unit in the CoreGrid Network of Excellence funded by the European Commission on middleware for Grid and P2P computing, with the participation of 47 universities and research centers from Europe.
- From 2005 to 2009, he was project team leader and activity responsible of the ARTDECO (Adaptive Infrastructure for Decentralized Organizations) project, funded by MIUR (FIRB), a research project on adaptive management and context-aware workflows, networks of sensors and RFID technologies within the supply chain management.
- From 2007 to 2010, he was responsible of 9 research projects, funded by Regione Campania in the context of 2000-2006 POR, in collaboration with regional SMEs, on topics related to knowledge & adaptive workflow management, and sensor networks in different application contexts.
- From 2010 to 2011, he was involved in Qualipso (Quality Platform for Open Source Software), a project funded by the European Commission as an Integrated Project (IP) with the participation of 18 organizations from 9 European countries.
- From 2013 to 2015, he has been involved as scientific coordinator of the Univ. of Sannio research unit of the regional large project MyOpenGov - POR 2007-2013. The project regarded the development of an open platform for creating, composing, publishing, discovering citizen-centric services and mashups.
- From 2015 to 2016, he was responsible for the department of engineering of Univ. of Sannio of the research activities related to the OpenGoals regional project on service co-creation for citizen-centric public administration.
- From June 2014 to 2016, he has been scientific responsible of the local research unit of the private/public laboratory TEMOTEC, funded by MIUR - PON R&C, with the aim of developing knowledge and technology for preserving Cultural Heritage. He has been also the Director of a the related master.
- From 2014 to 2017, he participated to the IDEAS (Integrated Design and Evolution of Adaptive Systems) project funded by MIUR (PRIN), with the Univ. of Bologna, Politecnico of Milano, Univ. of Milano - Bicocca, Univ. of L'Aquila, Univ. of Bolzano.
- From 2017 to 2020, he was scientific responsible of the local research unit of the GAUSS project (Governing Adaptive Unplanned Systems of Systems) funded by MIUR (PRIN), with the Univ. of Milano Bicocca, Univ. of Bologna, Politecnico of Milano, Univ. of L’Aquila, Univ. of Bolzano, CNR-IST, Univ. of Napoli “Federico II”.
- From 2018, he is responsible of the local research unit CINI-University of Sannio of the VASARI project – VAlorizzazione Smart del patrimonio ARtistico delle città Italiane, funded by MIUR (PON).
- From 2018, he is external advisor of the PROMENADE project funded by ANR (France) on Platform for Resilient Multi-modal Mobility via Multi-layer Networks & Real-time Big-Data Processing.
- From 2019 to 2022, he participates to the SISMA (Solutions for Engineering Microservices Applications) project funded by MIUR (PRIN), with the Univ. of Milano Bicocca, Politecnico of Milano, Univ. of L’Aquila, CNR-ISTI.
- From 2019, he participates to the CANTICO Project (Platform to attract audiences and disseminate opera and drama theater with immersive technologies) funded by MIUR (PON)
- From 2021, he is responsible of the ICT activities for the Department of Engineering of the large regional project Borgo 4.0 about architectures, platforms and technologies for eMobility.
He was also responsible of several research agreements with leading Italian and multi-national ICT companies, among these: (Engineering spa) Software Innovation for E-Government Expansion" on the (semi)automatic composition and execution of services for emergency management for the Public Administration; (Ericsson/Marconi) Functional subsystems of Intelligent network and security for multi-service heterogeneous networks in IMS environment".
From 2005 to 2010, he was evaluator, on behalf of the European Commission (EC), of projects submitted to the VI Framework Programme. He supported the FET (Future and Emerging Technologies) unit for the FP6-2005-FET calls (Situated and Autonomic Communication), and FP6-2006- FET OPEN, and the FIRE (Future Internet Research and Experimentation Initiative) unit as a reviewer of the COOPCOM and NetRefound projects, funded under the FP6-2006-FET OPEN EC (2007-2010).
He participated in the organization of the "Grid plugtests" initiative sponsored by INRIA and ETSI (European Telecommunication Standard Institute), which, from 2004 to 2008, has involved many worldwide researchers and research centers working on Grid computing.
He has held several talks, keynotes and summer schools lectures, and seminars.