- Since 2006, he is Researcher of "Physical Geography and Geomorphology" at the "Science and Technologies Department" of the Sannio University of Benevento (Italy).
- Since 2012, he is Adjunct Professor of "Geomorphology Applied to the Soil Conservation".
- Since 2013, he is Qualified to function as Associate Professor of "Applied Geology, Physical Geography and Geomorphology", according to the results of the National Scientific Qualification competition, performed by Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research (MIUR).
- Graduated with honours in Earth Sciences in 1999 at the University of Naples “Federico II”
- In 2001, he took advantage of a European Social Fund research grant. Research activities were carried out on relationships between morphodynamic processes and soil properties and formation.
- In 2004, he got PhD at the University of Naples “Federico II”, with a thesis dealing with the relationships between soils and geomorphology.
- In 2004, he took advantage of a Sannio University research grant. Research activities were carried out on assessment of erosion rates using classical techniques of geomorphological analysis of the relief in some selected areas of Benevento province (Southern Italy).
- In 2005, he starts his teaching activity at the Sannio University (see “Teaching” section below for details)
He is Author of more than 30 scientific papers, published on international and national journals, books and Conference Proceedings, dealing with topics of Physical Geography, Geomorphology and Applied Geomorphology and Environmental Geology. Main research interests are:
- Short-term adjustments of river channels and associated hazards and risks.
- Soil erosion susceptibility assessment at basin scale by means of integration of classical techniques of geomorphological analysis of the relief, remotely-sensed data, GIS and statistical analysis.
- Morphotectonic analysis of seismic areas.
- Physical-geographical, geomorphological and geoenvironmental characterization of “terroirs”.
- Soil geomorphology and paleopedology aimed to long-term geomorphological evolution reconstruction.
- Geomorphosites.
Member of the following scientific associations:
- Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology (AIGeo), since 2004.
- Italian Society of Environmental Geology (SIGEA), since 2010.
- Italian Society of Geosciences (SGI), since 2016.
- In 2005, he has been referee for the journal “Quaternary International”, edited by Elsevier.
- Since 2007, he is referee for the journal "Natural Hazards", edited by Springer.
- Since 2010, he is referee for the journal "Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science", edited by Taylor & Francis.
- Since 2013, he is referee for the journal "Environmental Earth Sciences", edited by Springer.
- Since 2014, he is referee for the journal "Pedosphere", edited by Elsevier.
- Since 2014, he is referee for the journal “Geographica Helvetica”, edited by Copernicus.
- Since 2015, he is referee for the journal “Earth Surface Processes and Landforms”, edited by Wiley.
In 2002, he was scientific coordinator of the research project “Geopedology of the alluvial terraces of the Telesina Valley”, for which he took advantage of a grant from the University of Naples “Federico II”.
- Since 2005 to nowadays, he is Professor of “Geomorphology Applied to the Soil Conservation” at the Sannio University of Benevento.
- From 2006 to 2012, he has been Professor of “Environmental Geology” at the same University.
- In 2009, he has been Professor of “Geopedology” at the same University.
- Between 2012 and 2013, he has been Adjunct Professor of “Environmental Geology”.
- He is supervisor of graduation theses in “Geomorphology Applied to the Soil Conservation”, “Environmental Geology” and “Geopedology”.
- He is tutor of internships/apprenticeships in in “Geomorphology Applied to the Soil Conservation” and “Environmental Geology”.
- He is co-supervisor of graduation thesis mainly in geomorphological and physical-geographical disciplines.
- In 2001-2002, he was involved in the Regione Campania-National Research Council “U.O.T.” Project, aimed at producing three 1:25,000-scale Soil Maps of Campanian areas.
- In 2005, he collaborated with the “Istituto Sperimentale per lo Studio e la Difesa del Suolo” (“Applied Institute for the Study and the Conservation of Soil”) in the framework of the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research project named “MONIDRI”, performing geomorphological and soil survey activities.
- In 2007, he was involved in the NitroEurope (NEU) Integrated Project (IP) “The nitrogen cycle and its influence on the European greenhouse gas balance”, 6th Framework Programme, Priority 6.3, “Global Change and Ecosystem”, Component 4 “Landscape scale analysis of N interactions”, Work package 4.1 “NEU landscapes analysis and inventory” e 4.2 “NEU landscapes verification measurements”.
- In 2014, he was member of the Organizing Commitee of the Conference “Le nuove frontiere per la protezione e la gestione sostenibile del suolo e del paesaggio”, organized by Italian Society of Pedology (SIPe) in the framework of the European Project “LIFE+” and supported by Expo2015.