The main research interests are:
• infant mortality and youth in pre-war;
• gender mortality differences;
• aging population and its consequences;
• attitudes and behaviors of young people;
• mortality of young adults
• household consumptions
• gender based violence
• body dissatisfaction
He has conducted research under the Co-MURST Gender, Family and Health coordinated by Prof. Pinnelli University of Rome "La Sapienza" and co-financing under the MURST Bio-demographic determinants of "fitness" in the Italian population. Sardinia: paradigmatic case of reproductive longevity?, Coordinated by Prof. L. A. Zonta University of Pavia.
He took part in the work commissioned by Eurostat and coordinated by prof. A. Pinnelli to carry out monitoring of statistics related to child-care in EU countries. In this area has focused on the collection and arrangement of information in different EU countries and in particular the deepening of the Italian situation.
He was part of a research group (University "La Sapienza", National Institute of Hospital Care of the Elderly (INRCA) of Florence, National Research Council) on Physical Activity and Aging: study on the factors of physical inactivity and testing of the intervention protocol within which the investigation has developed knowledge and prevention of the aging process among students of junior high and high schools (coordinator Prof. Golini).
It is busy analyzing the relationship between dietary habits and physical characteristics of prepubescent using data from a pilot project, coordinated by Dr. E. Palombi, Head of the Unit of Nutrition at the Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene of the ASL-BN1 (Benevento).
It is part of the research project optimization and flexibility in insurance products on the person by prof. N. E. D'Ortona University of Sannio, which addresses the problem of defining a function of pay-off that determines the best guarantee for the insurer and the contractor with the aim of defining a model for the actuarial valuation of insurance forms that take into account the differential mortality of recipients of benefits.
She coordinated in collaboration with prof. G. Vacchiano, of the teaching faculty of Legal Medicine and Social Medicine, Faculty of Economics, University of Sannio, the research project opinions and behaviors of young people compared to euthanasia. In this area has focused on the development of a survey among students of the same university for groped to understand their attitudes and behaviors with regard to a subject as sensitive and controversial.
He was part of the research project Natura 2000 network, which is headed by prof. Felice Casucci, Director of the Department Pe.Me.Is. University of Benevento, in collaboration with the Region of Campania. In this area has focused on the collection and processing of population data for the description of the main local demographics.
He was part of the research project on the variability of the burden of additional funds for health care coordinated by prof. N. E. D'Ortona University of Sannio, which addresses the problem of correlation of risks in the determination of the premium to be taken in the management of a supplementary fund for health care that adheres to a collectivity of individuals.
It concerned the study of the household consumption with particular emphasis on the analysis of food consumption outside the home and the impact of the changeover on consumer themselves.
He was part of the research group GCD, which drafted the Report on the population. Health and survival presented at the Population Days held in Milan on 2-4 February 2009. Specifically, she worked on reproductive health and infant mortality.
It is part of a team from the University of Sannio, which deals with the study of the determinants of overweight and obesity and the economic impact on the social and health care costs. The first results of this research were presented at the 62nd International Congress of Physiology held in Sorrento, in 21 to 23 September 2011.
It is part of the research project New methods for inference in complex models in the presence of outliers coordinated by Prof. Anna Clara Monti University of Sannio, which deals with the study of models capable of describing complex situations and procedures of statistical inference effective and executable within a reasonable time and inferential techniques allowing identification of values and/or data structures with unique characteristic.
She has studied the determinants of violence against women in Italy in collaboration with the PhD student Luigi Colangelo. The results of the research were presented at the SIS conference held in Salerno in June 2016 and published in the proceedings.
Together with PhD student Luigi Colangelo, he was part of a working group coordinated by Isfol in which he dealt with the relationships between human capital, public administration and local development. The results of the research are contained in a collective volume.
She dealt with the study of the characteristics of the spending behavior of the sustainable consumer, a study carried out in collaboration with Prof. Maria Rosaria Simeone of the University of Sannio and prof. Andrea Marchini of the University of Perugia. The first results of the research were presented at the CIRIAF convention held in Perugia in April 2015 and at the conference held in September 2015 in memory of Corrado Gini. The final results have been published in the Euromed documents. A further extension of the research was presented at the EAAE annual convention held in June 2016 in Gaeta (LT).
She has dealt with the study of the interrelations between well-being and eating habits. The results of the research were presented at the SWIFT conference held in Florence in June 2015 and published on the conference proceedings.
He is currently working, together with professor A. Nifo e A. Lucadamo, on the study of changes in consumer spending habits for some goods and services in relation to the onset of the economic crisis. The first results of the research were presented at the 2015 Population Days. On the occasion of the 2017 Population Days, a poster was presented that investigates the relationship between health consumption and the quality of institutions.
She participates in the SELFY research group (Sexual and Emotional LiFe of Youth) coordinated by the Universities of Padua, Florence and Messina, taking part in the survey among young Italian university students. In this context it deals with the characteristics and determinants of the body (dis) satisfaction; the first results of the research were presented at the workshop held in September 2018 in Florence.