Enrollment to the PHD Course in Science and Technologies for Environment and Heath, Cycle XXXIX
The candidates declared winners with Rector's Decree of 3 November 2023, n. 1182 are invited to complete enrollment to the first year of the PhD Course, no later than 27 November 2023, using the IT procedure available at the following link: https://unisannio.esse3.cineca.it/Home.do, entering username and password used for the registration to the competition.
All candidates admitted to the PhD Course are required to pay the Regional Tax (Tassa Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio) and the duty stamp of € 16,00 at the end of the enrollment procedure. Failure to pay the regional tax and duty stamp does not allow the activation of the registration.
For the 2023/2024 academic year, the amount of the fee for the DSU is divided into three bands based on the student's economic condition commensurate with the level of the equivalent economic situation indicator (ISEEU) relating to services for the right to university study resulting from the INPS archives:
- 120 euros for those with an ISEEU value lower than or equal to that envisaged by the eligibility requirements for access to scholarships (ISEEU < 25.500,00 euros) and for students from developing countries pursuant to art . 13 paragraph 5 Prime Ministerial Decree of 9 April 2001 (Ministerial Decree n. 351 of 3 May 2018);
- 140 euros for those with an ISEEU value higher than the minimum level and up to double the minimum level envisaged by the eligibility requirements for access to scholarships (25.500,00 euros < ISEEU < 51.000,00 euros) and for students with families residing abroad. These students can present the ISEEU Parificato on a tax assistance centers (CAF) in Italy. The student who does not present the ISEEU Parificato will have to pay the regional tax of € 160.00;
- 160 euros for those with an ISEEU value greater than double the minimum level set by the eligibility requirements for access to scholarships (ISEEU > 51.000.01) and for those who do not have an ISEEU certificate at the time of payment of the tax.
To benefit from the reduction in the amount of the regional tax, it is necessary to register the consent to the transmission of the ISEEU to the INPS during the online registration procedure, in compliance with the deadlines set for the registration itself. Failure to comply with the indicated deadline or failure to consent to the transmission, will result in the assignment of the maximum bracket set by the Campania Region.
It is specified that the ISEEU must be valid as of 31/12/2023.
All candidates must send the application form attached to this notice with a copy of the identity document to servizi.postlaurea@unsannio.it.
Candidates winner with scholarship must also enroll in the INPS Gestione Separata and complete and subsequently send the declaration relating to income and the 5-STIP form, attached hereto, to Servizi.postlaurea@unsannio.it notice. Foreign students will complete this procedure upon their arrival in Italy
Candidates who fail to enroll according to the methods and times indicated in the notice will be considered as having withdrawn and the Administration will proceed with the scrolling of the rankings.
The PhD Course will start on 1st December 2022
This notice is an official notification and no personal communications will be forwarded to the candidates.