Academic Senate


Components and activities of the University Academic Senate


Il Senato Accademico è composto da:



Gerardo Canfora
Professore Ordinario

Gerardo Canfora is a professor of computer science at the School of Engineering of the University of Sannio, Italy. From November 2019 he is the Rector of the University.

Gerardo Canfora is the co-author of 200 referred journal and conference research papers; his research interest include software maintenance and evolution, empirical software engineering, service oriented software engineering, software security and privacy, pervasive systems. See for a selection of his publications On these themes, he has participated and leaded numerous research projects in collaboration with national and international research institutes and companies. 

He serves on the program and organizing committees of a number of international conferences. He was general chair of WCRE’06 and CSMR’03, and program co-chair of ICSE’15, WETSoM’12 and ’10, ICSM’01 and ’07, IWPSE’05, CSMR’04 and IWPC’97.

Gerardo Canfora has worked as a consultant for ICT companies and public administration; he has served as a reviewer for many national and international funding agencies. He has helped numerous public administratins (Regione Campania, Provincia di Benevento, Provincia di Avellino, Archivio di Stato di Catania, ASL Benevento 1, ASI Palermo) in their technology innovation projects.

Rappresentanti dei Professori di II fascia

Daniela Pappalardo
Professore Associato
Daniela Pappalardo graduated in Chemistry with honors from the University of Salerno in 1994 and obtained a PhD in Chemistry from the same University in 1998. She has been a researcher in Chemistry at the University of Sannio and, since February 2005, she is associate professor of General and Inorganic Chemistry at the Department of Sciences and Technologies of the same University.
 From November 1998 to August 1999 she was a guest researcher at The School of Chemistry, Leeds University, UK, and in February 2006 at the High Resolution NMR Center of the Vrij Universiteit in Brussels. She was also guest professor at the KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden) as leader of the VINNOVA "Mobility for Growth" project, VINNMER Marie Curie Incoming, in the three-year period 2014-2017.
 The research interests of Professor Pappalardo concern the fields of macromolecular and organometallic chemistry and polymerization catalysis for olefins and polar monomers.
 Daniela Pappalardo is the headquarters representative for the University of Sannio for the Inorganic Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) and member of the European Biomaterials Society.
 Prof. Pappalardo was a member of the Quality Presidium of the University of Sannio from December 2017 to December 2019. From January 2020 she is a member of the Academic Senate.
Rappresentanti dei Ricercatori

Silvia Liberata Ullo

Academic position:
Researcher in Telecommunications and Remote Sensing (SSD ING-INF / 03) - Department of Engineering
Master of Science in Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston (USA). Degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Naples "Federico II", 110 cum laude / 110.
Current teaching activity:

Earth monitoring and mission analysis Lab: CdL Master in Electronics Engineering for Automation and Sensing
Signal theory and processing: CdL in Electronic Engineering for Automation and Telecommunications.
Telecommunications networks: CdL in Electronic Engineering for Automation and Telecommunications.
Mathematics course for the fulfillment of educational obligations (OFA).
Optical and radar remote sensing: a course for Ph.D. students.
Research Interests:
Signal processing, remote sensing, image and satellite data analysis, machine learning applied to satellite data, ESA Copernicus mission, cognitive radars, sensor networks, telecommunications networks, smart grids.
Institutional roles at the University of Sannio:
Member of the Academic Senate (from November 2019 to today); Member of the Quality Commission and the Orientation and Communication Commission of the Single Council in Electronic Engineering for Automation and Telecommunications (2017 to date); Member of the joint table established after the agreement between the University of Sannio and the Atlantic Committee and the ATA (2017 to date); Member of the review group for the Degree in Electronic Engineering (A.Y. 2013/2014); Member of the Orientation, Traineeships, and Relations with CISIA services (from 2012 to today) and Member of the Orientation Commission in Itinere (2009-2013) for the Faculty of Engineering; Representative of researchers on the Council of the Engineering Faculty (2007-2013); Member of the Council for the Degree in Electronic Engineering for Automation and Telecommunications (from 2008 to today).
External national assignments:
In November 2019 she was appointed as National Manager for the Science and Technology Task Force of FIDAPA-BPW Italia ( Up to December 2021. 

Since July 2018 she was appointed as Industry Liaison for the IEEE Italy Joint ComSoc / VTS Chapter (

Publications' list at:…;

Rappresentanti del Personale Tecnico-amministrativo

Fabio Corsale
Personale Tecnico Amministrativo

Fabio Corsale was born in Naples on October 15, 1971. He has a degree in Business and Economics (on March 12, 1998) from University of Naples "Federico II". During the academic years 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 he was a Teaching Assistant in Business Economics and in Economics of Financial Intermediaries at the Faculty of Law of the University of Milan (Bruno Rossignoli's chair). In 2010 he was a Business Consultant. Since 1 February 2011, he was Auditor (Register of Auditors at number 16055). In the academic year 2017/2018, he earned, with praise, the University Master of 2nd level in “Universities and management figures: the teaching manager, the research manager and the administrative manager” from the Giustino Fortunato Telematic University of Benevento.

From 1998 to 2001 he gained several work experiences in the private sector, including in multinational corporations. From 22 November 2001 to 15 March 2005 he worked at the University of Milan. Since 16 March 2005 he has been working as an official at the University of Sannio. He has held various positions, including external ones, in accounting and tax matters. At the University of Sannio he was Head of the following offices: Management Control Office, Accounting Office, Planning and Control Office and Heritage Organizational Unit. He is currently Head of the Accounting and Budget Organizational Unit and Treasurer of the Central Administration.