Fabrizio De Caro was born in Benevento (Benevento, Italy) in 1992. He is a member of the Power System Research Group at the Engineering Department of the University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy. He received the Master's Degree in Energy Engineering in October 2016 at the University of Sannio, with 110/110 cum Laude.
From December 2016 to April 2020, he was a Ph.D. student with a scholarship at the Engineering Department, University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy. He collaborated with the Power System Research Group (PSRG), under the supervision of Prof. Villacci and Prof. Vaccaro.
In April 2020, he received the Ph.D. in "Information Technology for Engineering" at the University of Sannio. The Ph.D. thesis, entitled "Enhancing grid flexibility by proactive decision support systems", was about the development of data-driven methodologies for enhancing the flexibility of renewable energy sources. In particular, he analyzed the characterization and modeling of wind power generation uncertainty and its effect on power system operation and electricity markets.
During his Ph.D. course, he provided teaching activities to "Fundamental of Power Systems", "Industrial Power Systems", and "Planning and Operation of Power Systems". He was involved in several projects with the Italian Transmission Systems (Terna Rete Italia) and Wind Power Generation Companies.
From April to August 2019, he was a Visiting Scholar at the Universitè Libre de Bruxelles with the Machine Learning Group, under the supervision of Prof. Bontempi.
In June 2020, he won a research grant in "Characterization and Optimal Management of Distributed Resource under the Energy Transition".
From May 2021, he is the secretary of IEEE Task Force on "Methods for Analysis and Quantification of Power System Resilience".
From June 2021, he is associate editor of "Technology and Economics of Smart Grids", Springer.
He served as a reviewer for many international journals as: "IEEE Trans. on Smart Grids", "IEEE Trans. of Power Systems", "IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy", "Energies MDPI", "Electronics MDPI", "Sustainability MDPI", and "Technology and Economics of Smart Grids - Springer".
He is guest editor of the Special Issue "Decision-Making Systems in Power System Planning and Operation in the Presence of High Shares of Renewable Energies"
About his main scientific skills and interests:
the modeling and characterization of the uncertainty of renewable energy sources; the development of wind power forecasting methodologies, the development of data-driven methodologies in decision-making systems in power systems; analysis of resilience and reliability of power systems; the development of alert systems based on stochastic processes.
Currently, He is involved in international research collaboration with:
Universitè Libre de Bruxelles, Prof. G. Bontempi
University College of Dublin, Prof. F. Milano
The University of Edinburg, Prof. S. Djokic