S20210154 |
U.O. Post Laurea |
Elenco dei candidati abilitati all'esercizio della professione di Dottore Commercialista ed Esperto Contabile, I Sessione 2021 |
S20210152 |
U.O. Post Laurea |
Reopening of the terms for PhD selection in Person, Market, Institutions - final renking list and notice for registration to the PHD Course |
S20210151 |
U.O. Post Laurea |
Riapertura prenotazioni esame prof.ssa Girelli previsto per il 6 luglio 2021 |
A20210365 |
U.O. Post Laurea |
Reopening of the terms for PhD competition in Information Technologies for Engineering_lists of candidates admitted |
A20210363 |
Department of Science and Technology (DST) |
Call for a Programmed Number of Genetic and Molecular Biotechnologies |
A20210362 |
Department of Science and Technology (DST) |
Call for programmed number of Food Technologies for Confectionery Production |